Sunday, October 17, 2010

The New Cameron

All new House tomorrow night! And, I really hate to be promoting another show that's on at the exact same time as House, but tomorrow night is also Jennifer Morrison's first episode of How I Met Your Mother. So, watch House, but if you have a DVR or watch shows online, check out Dr. Cameron's new gig.

In case you haven't already read or heard, Jennifer Morrison has a new job on another show, and the House producers have said it's unlikely she'll be returning to House at all. Starting tomorrow on HIMYM, she'll be playing a love interest of Ted's, and is here to stay for at least most of the season, and quoting one of the producers, her character marks a major turning point in the season. (Could she be the mother we've been waiting over 5 seasons to meet?)

So, get your DVRs ready, because there are two shows to watch for House fans tomorrow night. I also realized that in addition, Jennifer Grey is on two shows at once tomorrow night--guest starring on House and dancing on Dancing with the Stars. Interesting.

You can see the new Cameron in the promo below for tomorrow night's HIMYM 6.05 "Architect of Destruction."

Thanks to hultek1 for posting this vid on youtube.

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