Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's Going Nuclear

Wahoo!  Two weeks until the premiere!  I had been thinking that when it got to two weeks that would be the home stretch, but now it still feels kind of far.  So, I guess the last week before is the home stretch.   Of course, I'm absolutely looking forward to House the most, but I watch quite a few shows that are all premiering the same it's going to be a fabulous week.  So, two weeks until a great week in TV!

Gosh, the last four months have passed by really quickly, now that I look back.  My boyfriend and I went on vacation to Disneyland almost two months ago...and it still feels like it was two weeks ago.  Weird how that happens. 

I just created a poll, over on the right there, so if you're reading this you should answer it. :)  My answer has got to be Cuddy... Thirteen would be second.

And make sure you watch all 11 of the season 7 promos...all right here!

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