Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Global TV promo...something's better than nothing

Here's another promo from Global TV, so I'm not sure if it really counts, but I guess it's promo #16. It does have some new clips in it.

It's weird, it kinda seems like it's House from an alternative universe. It seems like it a different take of each of the clips or something. For one, I remember in the promo before, House says "Generally without ANY clothes on." And in this one he says "Generally without HER clothes on." And then he's grabbing her ass by the elevator, and she's wearing different clothes than when he grabbed her ass in the last promo....weird. Not to mention the different title screens, which...why are they different? Are the others owned by Fox or something? It's weird.

Anyway, here's the promo, yes, it's a terrible video.

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