Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm prepared for complications

So, tonight I watched the rerun of the season finale that was on, to prepare myself for the new episode next week. I was watching it mostly because I was thinking that the episode one week before has to have a new promo at the end of it. It did have a promo at the end, but unfortunately it was the one I posted last night, so I've already seen it. :( Still nice to actually see it on TV, though. Makes it feel more real.

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Here's some promo photos from House episode 7.02 Selfish.  I saw them a few days ago but didn't post them, because I felt like I would be getting a little ahead of myself, but what the hell, here they are.

Gosh, don't they look happy.

BTW, I love House's shirt, which I'm pretty sure is Shakespeare...even though it doesn't really look exactly like him.

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