So, I think I probably ought to give my review of last night's season premiere. So, if your one of those who lives in another country and has yet to see the premiere, this is a spoiler warning. Since it's already premiered, I'm not going to hold back any details. So, if you don't want to know things, skip this post.
So, I have mixed feelings about last night's episode. The side of me that is Huddy crazy loved it, and the side of me that fell in love with the show House in the first place was kind of dissapointed. The episode was definitely not very House-y.
I loved that they really spent time on House and Cuddy, but I wish the medical mystery of the episode actually meant something. It was just an unexciting unimportant subplot that I didn't really care about. It seemed like it was only thrown in there to give the team some sort of role in the episode. However, I did think that it was really cool that for once the team solved something on their own without House at all, since most of the time they rely on him. So, that was great for them, and I am glad that Thirteen was there for one last episode before she leaves for half the season. (Which I sad about, she's one of my favorite characters. I miss her already).
So, I would say that Huddy fans probably loved the episode, but I am a Huddy fan, and I don't think I would say that. I mean, I loved certain parts of it, and would watch scenes over again (and already have), but as a whole, it wasn't really a great episode. When it ended, it was kind of like "That's it?" It left me feeling like it was missing something, and I felt like nothing happened. I looked at the clock at 7:50, and was like "There's only 10 minutes left? But like nothing has happened!" I don't want to feel that way at the end of a House episode. But then again, hours later when I was trying to sleep, all I could think about was some great scenes that I wanted to watch again.
If you have thoughts on the episode, please leave me a comment, I would love to hear other people's opinions.
So, if you want to know what happened in the episode, here's a summary. If you don't want to know, skip this part:
The episode starts off with a recap of the season 6 finale, ending with the last shot of House and Cuddy holding hands. Then the episode starts with them still holding hands, not more than a few minutes later, but now they're in the bedroom. Cuddy says she needs to rebandage House's wound or it'll get infected, she takes off his shirt, and this basically leads to sex. It actually shows a lot less of the sex than I thought it was going to, and it cuts to afterwards, where House asks "Now what?" Cut to the new opening sequence that actually has the current cast's names in it.
After the opening, it goes right back to House and Cuddy. Cuddy says she needs to get to work, then her new assistant calls her to say that their neurosurgeon is sick and puking in the OR. But, House answers her phone, saying he's the nanny, and that Cuddy is sick in the bathroom, and tells the assistant what to do on her behalf. Cuddy decides that maybe she doesn't need to rush off to work after all...
Cuddy tells House that the sick neurosurgeon is a huge issue because if they don't have a neurosurgeon on site, they are not qualified as a Level 1 Trauma Center. (Seems like they would have more than one neurosurgeon then, but whatever, I guess we're supposed to suspend our disbelief.) To try to keep Cuddy from going to work (I think), House calls Chase and tells him to pretend to be a neurosurgeon (which doesn't work, apparently the assistant has looked into Chase and already knows that he's not). So, the team's next step is to try and heal the sick neurosurgeon (which becomes their case and the mystery of the episode...just not a very interesting one).
Back to House and Cuddy...House makes some sorry attempts at being romantic. It's pretty much a train wreck. Kind of like a car crash you can't look away from. He draws Cuddy a bath (which I'm pretty sure he poured mouthwash into) makes her breakfast (which I don't even know what the hell that was, apparently House does not keep his fridge well stocked), and tries to open champagne with a saber (which shatters and champagne goes all over the place.)
Meanwhile, Wilson is worried about House and has been trying to call him. House hasn't been answering, so Wilson shows up at the door, but House ignores it saying he'll go away. Then Wilson calls him while at the door, and knows that he's there because he can hear his phone ringing through the door. House answers pretending to be his answering machine (a pretty funny little scene). House thinks Wilson is gone, and he and Cuddy have sex again. Afterwards, Cuddy is annoyed that House wouldn't just let Wilson in, thinking that House is trying to hide her from him. She doesn't want their relationship to be a secret.
Then Wilson breaks in...sort of. He's apparently not very experienced at the art of breaking and entering. House finds him stuck in the kitchen window. This is probably the best scene of the episode. There's a funny little moment when House is helping Wilson in. House says that he has been busy "having sex with his girlfriend" (which I thought was interesting he's already using that word) and Wilson asks "Since when did you start referring to hookers as girlfriends?"
House says that Cuddy's there and Wilson doesn't believe him for one second, and just assumes that he's on vicodin again and is hallucinating (again). House leads Wilson to the bedroom, but she's suddenly not there. So, to Wilson, it seems as though House is hallucinating Cuddy again. Wilson examines House, but sees no signs of him being on drugs (since he's not), and House says that he was lying, not hallucinating. Wilson leaves, and House finds Cuddy hiding in the closet, where she went realizing she might be pressuring House into telling people about their relationship.
Meanwhile, the team is trying to figure out what is making Dr. Richardson (the neurosurgeon) sick. They give him some sort of drug that makes him high out of his mind, and not in any shape to perform surgery, as he keeps stripping... This whole time they are also talking about how Thirteen has asked for some time off (which House actually doesn't know about yet, but the whole team does). Foreman spies on her, figures out that she is going to Rome for a Huntington's trial (well, that's what he's lead to believe she's doing). Chase asks Thirteen if she'll have sex with him before she leaves (which was pretty weird and out of the blue), she basically says no.
House and Cuddy play Boggle (I think it was Boggle), and during the game, Cuddy reveals she is concerned that House has not said "I love you", even though she has said it twice. House is resistant (I don't think he really likes to be pressured into things), but spells out "IloBeyou" with the game blocks. Cuddy says he gets one point for "lobe". The next time it cuts back to them, they're naked in bed (remember the screen shot where House is wearing only a laptop?), so one can assume they had sex again. House is looking up a vacation to France, insisting they should leave right away, but Cuddy says that that is ridiculous, she has a baby for goodness sake (by the way, I assume Rachel is with the nanny this whole time, but what, is this a live in nanny?) She says that they can go in a few weeks, so that she has time to make arrangements for the baby.
Back to the team at the hospital. An inspector (or whoever he is) has come because Cuddy's lame-ass assistant reported that they do not have a neurosurgeon at the hospital. They try to act like Dr Richardson is fine and prepping for surgery, but he's still high out of his mind, and freaks out and strips off his clothes right in front of the inspector. The guy says that because of this, their patients are going to have to be transferred to other hospitals, and people coming into the ER will be redirected. Eventually, the team figures out what was wrong with Richardson (whatever it was, I barely cared), and they cure him, he's back to normal, and the hospital is saved. The case was so uninteresting that I don't remember it ended up being, but I was proud of the team for doing something without House to guide them.
Back to House and Cuddy. Cuddy goes to leave, and House stops her saying "This isn't going to work." To keep up some sense of suspense, it then cuts to commercial. It comes back, and House explains that he thinks she seems to think he must have changed because of what he said to the girl before amputating her leg in the last episode, but that he hasn't changed, and that he's never going to. He says that he's done horrible things to Cuddy in the past and will do horrible things again in the future, and that their relationship can't possibly work.
In response, Cuddy says "I don't want you to change." She says that he's "the most incredible man she's ever known, and will always be the most incredible man she's ever known." Super cheesy, but sweet. She goes to leave, and House stops her and says "I love you." (Which, I figured out at the beginning, that this episode was going to be leading up to this moment.)
Back to the hospital, the team got a cake for Thirteen (which says Happy Bar Mitzvah), but apparently she's not coming to her own going away "party". Foreman found out that she's not going to Rome after all, after he called the hospital there and they hadn't heard of her. He tried calling her, but her phone was disconnected. So, the big question is, where is Thirteen? Where is she actually going? We don't know yet.
Back at House's apt, Cuddy is actually leaving, she says "It's going to be great," and leaves with them both smiling. But, after the door is closed, their smiles fade into concerned looks, as I think is fitting. I think we're all concerned.
There you have it. A much more thorough summary than what I ever intended to write. It was nice for the Huddy fan, but I think I was primarily disappointed because of last years season premiere, which I like to refer to as "House: The Movie." Season 6's two hour premiere was so significant and monumental, that I guess I was expecting this year's to live up to that, but it unfortunately fell short. Oh well, there's always next week.
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