Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ok, we need to talk a little about this promo photo.  I'm not sure if little things in the photo are means to mean anything--like how Chase's hand is on Thirteen, and how Thirteen's hand in on Cuddy's ass--or if I'm trying to read into what's just a photo.  It's also interesting how the three guys are getting cozy on the left there. I like how concerned Wilson looks. 
It makes me think of this photo below, which I had as a poster on my bedroom wall back like 10+ years ago when Friends was my TV obsession.  

That autographed photo isn't actually mine, but it was the only one I could find online.  Mine was in color and it was a poster.   And unfortunately, not autographed by the cast.  That one is actually an item you can buy on it's a reprint...not actually autographed. 

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