Friday, September 3, 2010

Mini Interview with Hugh about Huddy

So they’re finally going there with Huddy.
It seems that way.

I’m scared for him. Terrified. But so far so good. Baby steps.

Are you happy they finally took the plunge?
I care less about what happens than how it happens. And if you do it right, it will work. And if we don’t do it right, nothing works. But I think we’ve danced around the idea long enough; it was time to take some action.

Is it safe to say that if it doesn’t work with Huddy it won’t work with anyone?
That’s a possibility. He might be fatally flawed.

Source: Michael Ausiello "Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on House, Grey's, Bones, Chuck, Gossip Girl, and More!"  EW: Ausiello Files

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